We are just apes

We are just apes

The following is free-thought writings. This may or may not make sense at all.

Hear me out - it could be understood and looked up (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture) that we apes need  our evolutionary trait (the one that makes us “us”) satisfied: Culture.. Over our evolution, despite our hyper advanced brains, we still need this culture bubble to exist so we get these in our environments (digital, family, friends, etc.) . 

What we don’t notice is that we are still apes and Apes need a pack leader. Our monkey brain fused with Culture, meant that we seek cultural pack leaders. Dependent upon the culture bubbles size, it still has an agreeded pack leaders via territories (Don’t monkeys also stick to territories of control?).

Our agreeded upon pack leaders have been able to control the media/influence culture so much that we rarely question the structure / nature of the current societal norms.

But every so often in a few thousand years, a celestial event occurs that for a brief moment a certain populous are made aware of these intangible culture bubbles and are able to see the truth.

Given that knowledge, I conjecture that these celestial events are cultural/evolutional stepping stones for those that are made aware and that of enough people are made aware that marks a new shared cultural event like the literal “renaissance”.

For instance: Roswell happened in 1947 which is literally the same year the transistor is developed?


Kinda feels like the space lizards or what ever scraggly screenwriter that’s literally writing down your entire thoughts as your read this…Was ready for a change. Like a new book, fresh chapter!. “What happens if we add computers to the mix” the writer wrote down on the notepad. He was struggling to find the next big idea. His first book had been a hit and thought that instead of jumping into the next thing, he would hit pause and wait a minute. But that minute had turned into an hour. Then a day, week, month, years..He really needed to break the slump

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