Unlocking the Unknown: Using ChatGPT to Decode Obscure Declassified Documents

ChatGPT + FOIA Documents: Making Sense of the Overwhelming

How It Works:

  1. Use ChatGPT to simplify complex FOIA documents for better understanding.

  2. Prompt Example:

    • "Summarize this document (URL/PDF upload, etc.) for a 5th-9th grader."

    • You can adjust the target audience's knowledge level based on your needs.


ChatGPT will generate a clear, layman-friendly summary—condensing hundreds of pages of technical or tedious content into a few easy-to-understand paragraphs. Perfect for demystifying FOIA documents!

Where to Start: FOIA Reading Rooms

Here are a few reliable FOIA Reading Rooms to dive into:

Finding More FOIA Reading Rooms

  • Use Google Fu:
    (site:.gov OR site:.mil) FOIA reading room to locate additional reading rooms from government and military sites.

  • FOIA.gov:

    • https://www.foia.gov/

    • This site provides a navigation tool to find which department might house the information you're looking for. However, it's clunky and can take some trial and error.

Tips for Navigating FOIA Reading Rooms

  1. Expect Rudimentary Search Tools: Most FOIA sites have very basic or outdated search functionalities.

  2. No Unified Search Engine: Each department maintains its own FOIA database, making it difficult to search across agencies.

  3. Misleading File Names: Document titles are often vague or obfuscated, so you might have to dig a bit to find what you’re looking for.

With these tools and a little patience, you can uncover fascinating (and sometimes mind-blowing) declassified information. Pair that with ChatGPT’s summarization skills, and you’ll make sense of the overwhelming in no time!

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